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Content Writing

Spreading Cheer Online: Your Ultimate Guide to Christmas Digital Marketing



Are you ready to welcome the most wonderful time of the year?


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Christmas is one of the most loved holidays around the world. Carols, Cakes, Gifts, Decorations it's the day of pure joy and happiness. When houses and streets renovate decorations to welcome this special day of the year, why not your Digital Marketing? Yes, you heard that right! It's time to redecorate your Digital Marketing business for Christmas. 

Christmas brings a lot to the marketing world: gift cards, discounts, campaigns, special packages, and many more. It doesn't matter if you are running a tech company or a bake shop, the impact of this Holiday does reflect on your business. Let's dive into some interesting facts to help your business prepare for this jolly good season!

Christmas Themed Website

A website is more like the soul of a company, all information including a company's brand story, services, portfolios, and contact information are explained on the website. It is the first and foremost source of information that customers reach out to know more about the company. This indicates the importance of a professional and creative website's importance in marketing. So what can you do to make your website more merrier? 

Make design Adjustments

Customers when looking online for great deals and ideas don't want to see a home page that is regular and boring. If you want to bring some holiday spirit to the table, make sure you show some!

Graphics and Animation effects

From subtle motion graphics to eye-catching visual effects, animations have become a powerful tool for engaging users and presenting information more fascinatingly. 


Fonts and Colour

For many years red and green have been the traditional colours of Christmas, and colors play a significant role in setting the mood. Likewise, fonts also stand out, using the wrong font styles can completely derail the message a brand is trying to send, so make sure you use the best fonts that give out the holiday vibes. 


Create Holiday- Related Contents

Holiday-themed content is a great way for businesses to connect with their target audience and boost sales. Crafting content that brings in the Holiday spirit helps you to build an emotional connection with your audience. Being relatable and creative is something that people always look up to. 



Social media marketing

During the holiday season, social media marketing becomes a critical conduit for businesses to engage with consumers amid the festive fervor. With an increase in online activity and a desire to find the ideal gift, social media platforms have transformed into buzzing hotspots for users looking for inspiration, offers, and suggestions. Through interactive and visually engaging content, digital marketing agencies can drive more traffic through web marketing. The capacity to engage directly with the audience, answer questions, and provide fast customer service improves the overall buying experience. Furthermore, the holiday season sees an increase in online purchasing habits, and social networking networks with shopping capabilities promote smooth transactions. 

Christmas Themed Contest


Creating contests, games, and gift cards with a Christmas theme is one of the most popular ways to drive traffic. These contests and games can be about anything, such as delivering free digital marketing services or offering discounts. People adore freebies and perks, especially during the holiday season. Audiences are always open to reliable purchases that are dependable, so holding onto such contests and marketing them on social media can boost your business to the next level. 


Christmas is a wonderful time for both customers and businesses, people want to spend more quality time with their friends and family by exchanging gifts and spreading love. This is the best time to increase profit sales by giving what your audience wants. So let's not waste any more time, let's get ready for the best holiday of the year!


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How To Write a Blog Post That Ranks on Google

Small Business Owner Utilizing SEO Blog Writing Services.

How To Write a Blog Post That Ranks on Google

Let's start this article off with a frank yet freeing truth:

There is no perfect formula for a blog post.

If you’re like us, that’s both encouraging and frustrating. After all, wouldn’t it be easier to follow a list of rules for great results every time?

Of course, it would!

But thankfully, we don’t live in a world of robots. We live in a world of creative thinkers, careful buyers and passionate opportunists. And Google knows that!

That’s why they carefully curate each search results page (SERP). They do their best to ensure the top-ranking pages provide the best search experience. AKA the content that the searchers are looking for.

So, while we can’t offer a simple a + b = c solution, we can help you write better content that has the potential to rank higher.

Grab your pencils (or open a Google Doc), and let’s get started!

Psst…looking for local SEO blog writing services? Get in touch with our team!


How Does Google Rank Content?

Google is an incredible tool. This search engine has access to information from all over the world - delivered straight to your SERP within milliseconds.

With around 7 million blog posts published daily, Google has its work cut out!

It needs to determine what each blog is about and rank them accordingly. This ensures the user’s search journey is successful and fast!

It's Google's job to,

a) Interpret what users are searching for,

b) Understand their search behaviour and

c) Analyze their reaction to search results.

Key Factors That Affect Search Results

While Google isn’t totally transparent about its algorithm, it gives great insight!

After all, Google wants good content found!

There is a sea of content to sort through daily. But making content publishers jump through a million hoops to get seen isn’t the solution. Giving these publishers the tools and knowledge they need to get that great content noticed is!

If you are what a user is searching for, Google will help them get to you! But it’s your job to create the right content and make it easy for Google to recommend you.

Here’s how that’s done!

“To give you the most useful information, Search algorithms look at many factors and signals, including the words of your query, relevance and usability of pages, expertise of sources, and your location and settings.”


Below are 5 key factors Google uses to determine which results to display for a given query.

Note: You’ll notice, everything points back to the query - what the user is looking for. Google ensures its results align as closely as possible with the user's goal. This ensures the search is quick and successful!


First, Google must understand the intent, or meaning, behind a user’s query.

Often, this means deciphering gibberish from a hurried, one-handed user. We’ve all been guilty of that!

Once the user hits “Search”, it’s up to Google to make sense of it.

The system must then,

  • Recognize/Correct spelling mistakes.
  • Understand and connect words to the right content.
  • Understand what type of information the user is looking for.
  • Understand when the user wants up-to-date or local information (i.e. local coffee place).


Once Google understands what the user is looking for, the next step is to analyze for relevancy.

This is the first step of analyzing your content!

During this process, Google looks for relevant keywords that match the query. This could be an exact keyword/phrase or a close match.


Once the content has achieved relevance, Google analyzes its quality.

Here, Google is looking for:

a) Expertise,

b) Authoritativeness, and

c) Trustworthiness.

One way Google determines quality content is if other prominent websites link to it. This typically tells Google that the content comes from a reliable source.

Related Article: The Power Behind Good Copywriting Services 


If the content passes the quality test, it moves on to the usability test. This is where things get a bit more technical.

Usability refers to how accessible the content is - a major factor in page experience!

Thankfully, relevance trumps usability in Google’s ranking strategy. But if you’re competing against several high-quality, relevant pages, it could ruin your chances of landing in the top 10!

Here are some examples of page experience aspects that Google looks for:

  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Site speed
  • Contrasting colour scheme
  • Site navigation
  • Accessibility
  • Browser consistency
  • Clean code
  • Context

Lastly, Google doesn’t just look at a user’s current search. It uses a variety of search factors to determine which results to show.

This includes:

  • Search History,
  • Search settings.
  • Geographical location, etc.

Essentially, Google matches results to a user’s unique interests!


Simple Steps to SEO Your Next Blog Post

Now that you know how Google analyses and ranks your content, it’s time to polish yours up!

Below are 6 steps to optimize your next blog post and get it ranking:

Step 1. Keyword Research

The first step is thorough keyword research.

For Google to deem your content relevant to a user’s search, it must match up with their query. This can be an exact match or a related match.

Keyword research gives you the data you need to know the terms and phrases users are searching for. You can then make an informed decision about which keywords you plan to target on your site.

We recommend choosing keywords that have a

  • High monthly volume
  • Low difficulty
  • High priority
  • High Relevance

Not sure where to get started with keyword research? Our team can help!

Step 2. Search Intent

Next up is search intent!

Before you start writing, think about your audience and their query.

What exactly are they asking you?

What type of information are they looking for?

What is the best way to present the information to them?

These questions provide you with the purpose of your article. It’s not a step you want to skip!

Step 3. Heading Optimization

Did you know that only 16% of people read every word on a page? 79% just scan the content!

What does this mean for you?

It means you need to strategize the organization and structure of your content.

One of the most effective ways to do this is by using headings and subheadings!

This makes it easier for your readers to skim your content for information and reach their goals.

Remember: Google’s mission is to end the user’s search journey quickly and successfully. If they can find what they’re looking for quickly, you’ve succeeded!

Step 4. Content Optimization

Content optimization comes in two parts - creative writing and search optimization.

First, we recommend writing for humans, not search engines. After all, you’re not trying to impress Google. You’re trying to impress your readers.

If you succeed, Google recognizes this and ranks you higher!

Related Article: 5 Content Writing Tips To Increase Traffic & Retain Customers

Second, focus on optimizing your content for both user experience and search. We call this search engine optimization, or SEO!

Factors Affecting SEO:

  • Keyword optimisation
  • Clarity
  • Links
  • Readability
  • Consistency
  • Structure, etc.

Step 5. Behind The Scenes Optimization

Lastly, we recommend optimising all behind-the-scenes aspects as well. Here, we’re referring to both front-end and back-end content that’s not necessarily part of your main content.

Essential SEO Elements:

  • Meta description
  • Alt text on images
  • Internal linking
  • URL
  • Page Title

The user and Google both rely on these elements to better understand your page content. This makes them essential to a well-optimized article!

Related Article: SEO For Beginners


Start Blogging For Better Results Today

Blogging has become a powerful tool in the world of content marketing. Small and large businesses use it in their development and growth strategies. It’s proven quite successful in both areas!

If you haven’t started a blog, this is your sign.

Top Benefits of Blogging:

  • Increase traffic,
  • Drive conversions
  • Up your website reach,
  • Showcase your expertise,
  • Build authority in your industry,
  • Engage with your audience,
  • Build trusting relationships,
  • Strengthen brand recognition and
  • Differentiate yourself from competitors.

Related Article: 7 Reasons to Start a Blog

Need help getting started? Get in touch with our marketing team! We offer keyword research, SEO blog writing services and copywriting services!

Call us at 613-969-0626 or contact us online!

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Digital Marketing 101: What is it? Does Your Business Need it?

Business owner utilizing digital marketing services.

Digital Marketing 101: What is it? Does Your Business Need it?

If you own a business in 2023, there’s no way around it. Digital marketing services are essential to effective brand establishment, recognition and growth.

Without it, you miss hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities to get in front of your target audience.

While digital marketing has evolved over the last decade, one thing is for certain:

It’s not going anywhere!

Digital marketing is only becoming more and more prominent.

The methods consumers use may change and adapt as new platforms become available. But the root concept of digital marketing is stronger than ever.

Essentially, if you want to compete in today’s market, you must embrace its digital landscape.

But where do you begin?

In this article, we deep dive into all things digital marketing. We discuss everything - from its definition to how to best take advantage of its waiting opportunities.

Keep reading to get your business on the (virtual) map!


What is Digital Marketing?

As a business owner, you have probably heard the term digital marketing frequently. After all, it’s one of the most crucial aspects of owning a business.

We’re here to ensure you understand,

  1. What it means,
  2. The opportunities it presents and
  3. How you can best access those opportunities.

Let’s get started!

In a nutshell, digital marketing is advertising delivered through digital channels.

The type of digital channel a marketer chooses depends on their client, product, budget, etc.

These factors help narrow down where, when and how a business should show up online.

Common Digital Channels:

  • Social media
  • Search engines
  • Websites
  • Email
  • SMS

Which online platform(s) do you think best fit your business?

We’ll dig deeper into these platforms later. But for now, think of some examples of digital marketing you have seen in these online spaces. Things like promotional video ads, banners, text messages, etc.

Chances are, you have seen hundreds of these promotions via your own personal channels.

This leads us to our next question…


Why is Digital Marketing Important?

Digital marketing is a big part of everyday life. Whether we like it or not, it's everywhere!

This is exactly why it’s so important.

Digital marketing allows you to connect and engage with prospective and existing customers. Not where you are. But where they are. And on an almost constant basis!

E-commerce has steadily grown in popularity for years, which is no surprise! Online shopping is incredibly convenient. After all, it’s literally at your fingertips.

This year alone, there are 80 million more digital buyers than in 2022. That puts the total number at 2.64 billion.

To put that number into perspective, we’re talking 33.3% of the world’s population.

Consider these statistics!

It’s easy to see that digital marketing is now an integral part of the Canadian economy. Not only is it taking over other forms of advertising, but it also focuses on today's most crucial aspect of marketing: personal connection!

Top Benefits of Digital Marketing:

  • Global reach
  • Local reach
  • Cost efficiency
  • Improved customer experience
  • Measurable results
  • Effective targeting
  • Enhanced brand awareness
  • Increased engagement

There’s also the convenience of different types of content on each platform. Online marketing opens up an array of content types that cater to your specific industry. Examples include blogs, podcasts and video content!

Now that you know what it is and its importance, it’s time to better understand how to use it.


Types of Digital Marketing and How to Use Them!

While many forms of digital marketing exist, most small businesses focus on those with the highest ROI potential. In most cases, that includes content, SEO and social media.

Content Marketing

Content is one of the most popular forms of digital marketing.

Digital content marketing is any form of content shared digitally. It’s usually informative, leading your audience to take a specific action - like asking a question or clicking a button!

At its core, its intent is to,

a) Attract visitors to view said content and

b) Encourage them to take the desired action (whatever that action might be).

Examples of Digital Content:

Pro Tip: Create content with your specific target audience in mind. This helps position your brand as a trusted voice and relate directly to your people.

Discover how good copywriting can help boost your marketing efforts!


SEO (search engine optimization) typically goes hand in hand with content marketing. After all, how else do you get your content in front of the right people?

Optimizing content specifically for search can help it rank higher in search results. This puts your content in front of more people. And the best part is, those people are already searching for you!

While there are many forms of SEO, we recommend focusing on:

  • Content Strategy
  • Keyword Research and
  • Technical Optimization.

These three elements help focus your content and ensure it’s searchable by the right people.

Social Media Marketing

If you’re looking for an easy way to connect and communicate with your audience, this is it!

The right platform allows you to effectively build awareness and generate leads!

Examples of Social Platforms:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • Threads
  • TikTok
  • BeReal

The best thing about social media marketing is that it builds on its own success. Your efforts can quickly magnify as engagement with your account adds up.

This is a great way to use organic (unpaid) content to boost your business. And while organic content goes a long way, these platforms also offer the opportunity for paid ads!

Not sure where to get started? A social media agency can help simplify and optimize your marketing!


Develop Your Own Digital Marketing Strategy

What does your digital marketing strategy look like?

Before you start marketing, we always recommend starting from square one. You have to know WHO you are targeting and WHY!

These two factors are the basis for any digital strategy and will hugely boost your ROI.

Without knowing who you want to target and why, you can’t decipher HOW best to connect with them.

Let’s start developing your strategy with effective digital marketing services today! Our marketing team at OSM ensures your plan fits your business goals and budget.

All our marketing packages are customizable. So you can choose a plan that caters directly to your needs!

Discover 7 Benefits of Hiring a Local Digital Marketing Agency!


Get In Touch

Let’s talk all things digital marketing!

Call our marketing team at (613) 969-0626 or contact us online!

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How Good Copywriting Services Can Help Boost Your Marketing

Small Business Owner Using Good Copywriting Services.

How Good Copywriting Services Can Help Boost Your Marketing

Copywriting is quickly becoming one of the most powerful web-boosting tools.

With good copywriting, you can effectively:
  • Define and enhance your brand identity.
  • Convey your message to your ideal client.
  • Nurture lasting relationships built on loyalty and trust.
  • Transform your product from an option to a #1 must-have.
  • Differentiate your brand from competitors.
  • Rank higher on Google SERPs.
  • Position yourself as an industry expert.
  • Influence and persuade your audience to take action.

Suffice it to say, it’s well worth the investment!

Interested in learning more about how copywriting services can benefit your business? Keep reading!


Words Hold Incredible Power

Words hold incredible power, potential and opportunity. They can influence, persuade, warn, prompt and call to action!

But more than that, they can also affect feelings and emotions.

For example:

Kind words can help foster camaraderie and friendship. “Hey! I loved your presentation today. You’re a great public speaker!”

Harsh words can easily tear down and destroy a relationship. "You're the worst friend!"

Emotionally charged words can even bring a person to tears! It’s one of the reasons why films like the Titanic became such classics. “I’ll never let go, Jack!”

The Notebook is also a great example of this! Have you heard this famous Nicholas Sparks quote?

“I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough...”

Pretty gut-wrenching stuff, right?

It’s incredible how words can influence our emotions in the moment and stay with us for days or years to come!

They are so powerful, in fact, that marketers use words to help structure their marketing campaigns. AKA copywriting!

Here are some examples:

Have you ever felt that urgent need to pick up your phone during a radio ad? “Be caller number 1 to win lunch for your whole team!”

Have you ever clicked “show more” on an Instagram post that got you hooked in the first 4 words? “Don’t read the caption👇👀”

That right there is the power behind good copywriting. And it’s yours for the taking!


Copywriting vs. Good Copywriting

Today, consumers look for relationships, answers, knowledge and trust. 

They look for solutions to the problems they face. They look for brands that they can trust to be up-front and honest with them.

But above all, they long for connection!


Because according to a recent article by Business News Daily, “consumers show similar emotions in relationships in brands as they do with other humans”.

In other words, consumers personify brands.

They build a relationship with that brand, just as they would a human - with trust, conversation, experience, etc.

This is where copywriting and good copywriting can differ.

Copywriting can easily come across as fake, fluffy nonsense that’s only purpose is to make a quick sale.

Good copywriting conveys your message clearly, uniquely and effectively. But, first and foremost, it’s relationship-driven - one of the most crucial factors of a successful brand in 2023.

Click here for our Top 5 Content Writing Tips!


Utilizing Good Copywriting In Your Marketing Strategy

The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving. But the one thing that’s become clear is the need for quality content.

Let’s be honest. With the internet at their fingertips, consumers don’t need to go far to find a great product.

But how do you ensure that customers find and choose your product over the masses?

By using your newfound power of words!

Step 1: Capture Their Heart!

Whether it’s a blog, landing page, social media post or Facebook ad, your content should,

a) Capture the heart of your audience,

b) Show them the truth of who you are.

Click here for 7 Reasons To Start a Blog in 2023!

Capture The Heart of Your Audience

According to a Microsoft 2015 report, you have 8 seconds to capture your audience’s attention.

While it’s a little sad to admit, apparently our human attention spans have shrunk to that of a goldfish. If not shorter!

So when we say it’s imperative to get your audience’s attention fast, we mean it!

Thankfully, good copywriting gives you the power to do just that!

But to catch their attention, you'll need to do your research.

Target Audience Questions:

  • What makes your audience tick?
  • What motivates your audience?
  • How does your audience think?
  • How does your audience communicate?
  • What does your audience care most about?
  • What challenges does your audience experience?

These questions enhance your content approach - ensuring it effectively reaches your audience.

Be Yourself

This is an age-old message you've probably heard since you were three. But the truth of the statement stands the test of time.

There is incredible value in simply being ourselves, staying true to who we are and standing firm in our beliefs. 

But have you ever used that same mentality in your brand messaging?

Your brand is a part of you. And with good copywriting, your brand voice can become an extension of the powerful voice you bring to the world!

As mentioned above, humans personify brands. And while this is helpful knowledge, we can take it one step further.

We can personify our brand first!

Brand Personification Questions:

  • What does your brand stand for?
  • What are your brand’s core values?
  • What is your brand about?
  • What makes your brand stand out?

These questions take your brand to a whole new level!

Step 2: Get The Message Out, Loud and Clear!

Now that you’ve thought of your customer, you can begin the construction of your messaging.

First, you’ll want to consider the benefits and features of your product. How can you relate these benefits and features to what you know about your audience?

Using the knowledge you have of your audience to write clear and compelling messaging is the key!

For example:

When a customer searches for ‘headphones’, you need to strategically position your headphone brand as the #1 must-have.

But how do you do that?

Maybe your headphones have the “best all-around sound”. Communicate this to the customers looking for the best quality sound. 

Maybe they’re easy to pack in a suitcase, making them “the perfect travelling buddy”. Communicate this to your avid travelling customers.

Maybe they’re packaged with 100% eco-friendly materials. Communicate this to your environmentally conscious customers.

Or maybe they’re the only headphones designed for sensitive ears. You guessed it…communicate this to your customers with these sensitivities!

Whatever the truth of your product is, good copywriting communicates the message loud and clear. 


Invest In Professional Copywriting Services at OSM!

A good copywriter ensures your message is crystal clear and reaches your target audience effectively.

Ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level?

Contact our team today for professional copywriting services.

You can reach us at 613-969-0626 or contact us online!

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7 Reasons Why Starting a Blog Is Essential to Growing Your Online Presence

OSM explains why blog writing is so valuable for business owners in 2022.

7 Reasons Why Starting a Blog Is Essential to Growing Your Online Presence

Writing unique, valuable and optimized website content has never been more of a priority for businesses than it is today. 

The ever-growing popularity of the internet and the widely acclaimed use of web browsers like Google to find local and relevant answers, products and services is incredible. 

What better way to penetrate this modern, digital landscape and gain traction in our online world than by becoming a part of it?

By sharing your answers to popular questions...

By digging deeper into your niche...

By offering unique value to an already information-hungry audience...

That is the power of blogging!

Where Did The Concept of Blogging Originate?

Blogging has evolved drastically over the years. Especially since the alleged first-ever blog platform launched in 1994! 

Justin Hall created this platform, called, to share his writings. He would write short articles about his life and then publish them on this online platform for others to learn more about him. 

Over the next three or so years, this way of sharing information online became known as an online diary or personal page. And, although most of these posts were code-heavy technical articles, they soon evolved into a journalistic approach.

At this time, the word blog wasn’t even a thing! 

It wasn’t until around 1997, when Jorn Barger described these sites as Weblogs, that the term came into play.

Then, just two years later, Peter Merholz introduced the simplified term we know today - blogs!

From then on, the world of blogging has gone through many phases. From early code-heavy blogs to inspiring mommy blogs to the search-engine-optimized articles that businesses share on their sites today. 

Now, you can learn how to knit a scarf, build a shed, fix your air conditioner, bake sourdough or choose the right insurance plan. All from a blog article!

With a wide selection of tools, blogs have evolved from simple renditions of personal thought to in-depth articles designed for web traction, lead generation and brand credibility.

With good content and the right tools, you can increase traffic to your website, build your brand personality and position yourself as an expert in your specific industry. 

Who knew words could do so much? 

Boost Your Digital Presence With Blogging!

Now that you know how blogging has progressed, you can learn how to use it as a resource in growing your online presence!

When used correctly, your blog has the potential to:

1. Position Yourself As An Expert In Your Industry.

Whether you are an electrician or a seamstress, you want to be considered an expert in your trade. You want people to trust you, rely on your expertise and continue coming to you for leading industry information. 

With a blog, you can achieve all of these things! 

You can increase your credibility and inspire trust in your audience simply by: 

  1. Knowing your stuff (aka. researching and gaining hands-on experience),
  2. Sharing your knowledge in an easy-to-read fashion, and
  3. Being the best answer at the best time!

Picture this:

You are an HVAC company that sells heating and cooling products. With recent inflations, your audience is looking for the most cost-efficient air conditioning solution for this coming summer. 

Because you understand your audience and have been researching their questions, you know their concerns and are ready to offer them a solution!

Your tactic? 

To write optimized blog content on the most energy-efficient and budget-friendly cooling options.

Not only can this content position you as an HVAC expert, but you will be advertising your products at the same time - without seeming pushy or having to give a sales pitch! 

You are simply offering an easily-accessed answer to the question your audience is already asking.

2. Increase Your Social Exposure. 

Your blog content is usable for more than just added content on your website.

Try reusing, repurposing and recycling your content on your social media platforms too! You can use these other media platforms to spark interest and gain momentum for your blog article. 

Here’s an idea:

Post a sneak peek in your newsletter or even a link to the article on Facebook or LinkedIn. These shares can help increase traffic to your site and increase the social exposure of your blog too.

3. Generate Potential Leads.

Would you prefer to take a shot in the dark or take careful aim at a reasonable target with the right tools in your hands?

Blogging is that tool, and Google is your clear target. As long as you learn to aim right, reaching your audience is easy!

By inputting valuable SEO (search engine optimization) strategy in your blog - up-to-date keyword research, quality headlines, proper readability, credible links etc. - you can design your content to be seen by the right people at the right time. 

You can attract people to your website via your blog content!

Then, once you have brought your target audience to your website, you can begin converting that website traffic into potential leads. 

4. Show Up Where Your Audience is Already Searching.

One of the best things about blogging is that you do not have to look for your customers. Google is one of the only media platforms where your consumers search for you! 

For the answers to their questions. For the most up-to-date industry information. For the best of the best!

And all you have to do is show up with valuable content that satisfies their search!

5. Direct Your Target Audience To Your Website.

Did you know that there are roughly 4.95 billion internet users worldwide? And that the average user spends almost 7 hours on the internet EACH DAY?

People are consuming more digital content than ever before! 

But if you are not producing content for these users to engage with, your site will miss out on this valuable web traffic.

Like we said before, people are already searching. It is up to you to show up, drive them to your site and give them the answers they want.

But quick! 

Research has shown that even goldfish have a longer attention span than humans nowadays. You have approximately 8 seconds to grab their attention and tell them that they are in the right place. 

That means you need to write valuable content that is both readable and skimmable!

6. Revamp Your Search Engine Optimization.

SEO organically improves your credibility and searchability on Google! 

Have you seen the positive results of search engine optimization (SEO) before? If so, then you know what we are talking about here. 

Here are a few ways to improve the SEO of your blog: 

  • Focus on the consumer, not your product. 
  • Write short sentences and paragraphs that are readable by your audience and Google.
  • Use keyword research to your advantage.
  • Write optimized meta descriptions. 
  • Write headlines that foster intrigue.

7. Inspire a Sense of Camaraderie Online.

Consumers are looking for brands they can trust. They're looking for brands run by real people with real thoughts, real experiences and real information. 

They want to be heard, seen and answered by someone who relates to them.

So start listening to your audience!

Start being the answer to their questions. Start building relationships, involving your clients and caring for what matters to them. 

Because in the marketing world, it's about more than just advertising your product. 

It's about creating a community, becoming a trusted source and inviting your audience to follow along with the story of your business!


Write On! Start Sharing Your Unique Value. 

At OSM, sharing stories has always been a habit of ours. How we got here, where we are going, what our dreams are and how we do what we do. 

But we constantly flip the mic around too. Why? Because we want to hear from YOU. 

We want to understand what makes you tick. What gets you excited. What ignites a passion in your soul. 

We love the WHY of your business. The HOW. The WHAT-IN-THE-WORLD! 

Because digging deeper, sharing unique value and showing up? 

That’s when sharing a story becomes more than an old fashioned code-heavy page of gibberish that most people will click away from. 

Instead, it becomes a reliable source of helpful, relevant information that your niche audience is not only interested in, but engaged with.

If you haven’t already, we encourage you to try starting blogging for your business!


Use your social media to ask your audience their industry-related questions. Then use those questions to help construct blog themes! 

Pssst… don’t forget to tell your social media followers that you answered their questions over on your blog! 


Book Our Content Writing Services at OSM in Quinte! We Write For You! 

Now, if you’ve been reading this and thinking, “well sure, but I don’t know the first thing about writing!” - don’t worry!

Remember in our last blog article when we gave you 5 Signs That It’s Time to Hire a Marketing Agency

We explained how a marketing agency can help: 

  • Free up your time, 
  • Give you the expertise you need to move your business forward, and
  • Secure lucrative sale opportunities.

Outsourcing your blog writing can help you achieve these goals while growing your online presence!

Contact our team at OSM to learn more about our content writing services. You can reach us at 613-969-0626 or learn about our Digital Marketing Services HERE!

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